About Us
Services Provided
National Conference
Education Workshops and Seminars
Meetings and Networking
National Education Support
Four Issues of the NZSDRT Newsletter
Support groups for Diversional & Recreational Therapists are established in all main centres and many smaller areas throughout New Zealand.
The Objectives Of The NZSDRT

To promote the highest standard of Diversional & Recreational Therapy practice
To promote recognition and development of Diversional & Recreational Therapy Education
To liaise with industry training organisations on behalf of Diversional & Recreational Therapists
To encourage cooperation between Diversional & Recreational Therapists and others in related fields
To promote the common interests of Diversional & Recreational Therapists

Where Do Diversional & Recreational Therapists Work?
New Zealand Society of Diversional & Recreational Therapists Inc recognises that Diversional & Recreational Therapists practice in many area of the community:
Public and private hospitals
Health service providers
The community
Residential care facilities
Hostels or group homes
Rehabilitation centres
Private consultancy
Diversional & Recreational Therapists
Diversional & Recreational Therapists have contacts with a wide range of the community, including those with physical disabilities, both healthy and frail elderly, people with developmental disabilities, people with mental illness, children and youths.
In New Zealand, employment titles include, Diversional Therapists, Recreational Therapists, Motivation Therapists, Activity Co-ordinators, Occupational Therapy Aides, all come under the umbrella of the “New Zealand Society of Diversional Recreational Therapists Inc.” (NZSDRT).
Our History
Society History
Starting in the late 1980’s progressing from small local meetings of individuals from various rest homes and institutions, becoming a professional body actively involved in the education and development of the Diversional Therapy within New Zealand.
The Meaning of the NZSDT, Inc. Logo
New Zealand Society of Diversional Therapists logo is unique within the worldwide Diversional Therapists community and is proudly displayed on each page of the website and on the badge.
For the official meaning of the Logo read the Society History PDF below. A logo is generally a pictorial representation or identifier of an institution, company or service. It is always difficult to give expression to an idea, more so for one that reflects care and service within a community. A community with the desire to strive for the very best of outcomes for clients.
The tree has through the ages, come to symbolise the thoughts and emotions involved with families, life, strength and shelter. A tree is naturally bathed in sunlight, watered, cultivated, developed and grows. All these elements are reflected and combined within the professional work of the Diversional Therapist. We strive to provide the services and activities to improve the quality of life for clients of all ages in our care.